Autism Symptoms

You can observe some Autism symptoms in a person as young as two years old and sometimes even younger. Here are the main Autism symptoms that will allow you to identify or wonder if your a member of your family, a friend or anyone else might be affected by this disorder. The severity of these Autism symptoms may vary as each individual is unique. That is why it is evaluated on a spectrum.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Communication Skills

This section will introduce the symptoms that affect both the verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

  • You can notice either a delay in speaking or a lack of vocabulary. The child may also begin to speak and then there may be a gradual loss of language. Always keep in mind that close to half the children affected by Autism will never speak a word or might have just a few words.

  • Starting, following or participating to a conversation might appears to be challenging for that person.

  • Echolalia is often observed in people with Autism, especially in children. Echolalia is when someone repeats sounds, words or phrases that were heard previously.

  • Someone with Autism will tend to interpret literally a conversation which will explain why he may not understand the humor displayed, the listener point of view or read between the lines.

  • Expressing his needs or what he wants might be difficult.

Now that you understand the challenges that affect the communication skills of someone affected by Autism, you should be able to adapt more easily to his needs. For example, listen, look, take the time to pay attention and act on it right away so it will be eventually understood that communication is very important. Also, wait for his reaction or his reply which will highlight the importance of taking turns and listening well during a conversation. Impatience and judgment should never be part of your interaction with someone that has Autism.


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