Autism Symptoms

You can observe some Autism symptoms in a person as young as two years old and sometimes even younger. Here are the main Autism symptoms that will allow you to identify or wonder if your a member of your family, a friend or anyone else might be affected by this disorder. The severity of these Autism symptoms may vary as each individual is unique. That is why it is evaluated on a spectrum.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Social Skills

This section will introduce to you the symptoms that affect the developmental problems concerning both interactions and the relationships.

  • Eye contact is difficult and can vary from occasionally to rarely established with others.

  • Body language and facial expressions are challenging to analyze and understand for someone affected by Autism.

  • Interacting and building relationship with peers is a challenging experience in itself. That explains what appears to be a lack of interest in others and that a preference for being alone might be noticed on occasions or even on a regular basis.

  • There is a lack of interest in sharing interests, achievements and feelings.

  • Understanding other people feelings is very difficult as it is so abstract and there is a lack of empathy that is experienced by someone with Autism.

  • Some aggressiveness can be displayed towards others as well himself.

  • Throwing tantrums can vary from occasionally to frequent.

  • Avoiding physical contact or the display of affection can also vary according to the mood and the need of the person.

  • Emotional reactions such as laughing can also be difficult to understand for someone who cannot seem to identify the source of this reaction.

  • Someone with Autism seems to be oblivious to the danger of some situations.

  • Educational approaches must often be adapted as the person might not respond to them otherwise.

  • Change provides insecurity as routine is safer which explains why someone might be lost without the same activities, the same order to do things, etc.

  • Oversensitivity or undersensitivity may also be affecting the life of a person with Autism in the following areas: pain, touch, taste, smell, sounds and sights.

  • An inappropriate or strong attachment to some objects may also be observed in some people.

  • Ignoring, being unresponsive to verbal communication can also be observed occasionally or more frequently.

  • Some indifference to the environment may be noticed at times.

  • The use of pointing to objects or people to indicate something might be absent or may not be displayed often.

Now you it will be easier for you to understand the challenges of someone being affected by the Autism Spectrum Disorder.


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